082 756 3410

11 Karee Road , Roodeplaat, Pumulani, Pretoria


Bowman Precision Engineering offers Outstanding Technological Innovation, Long Standing Experience, Usage of superior material, Shortest Lead time and Cost effective machineries.


We are situated in Roodeplaat, Pumlani, Pretoria,  South Africa. We serve national markets and export to international Markets via other companies.

At Bowman Precision Engineering we offer services in the fields of hydraulics, construction welding, milling and turning of parts, designing and manufacturing of converting of toilet paper machines, manufacture of cores for toilet paper.


We have top quality Manufacturing Equipment including: Turning work machines - Between 1.5m Lathe, 3m Lathe, 4m Lathe, 1.2m CNC Lathe,

Milling machines - 1.3m and 800mm machines

Co2 Welding Machines – 6 off

Horizontal Drilling Machine

80 Ton Cropper Press

Hydraulic Press 100 ton


The Bowman team consists of motivated, dynamic and highly talented workers. Among us are skilled, eager to learn, who can amazingly quickly learn new technologies and develop innovated solutions. We prefer challenging tasks that give us opportunity to work on the edge of our capabilities. Some in our team have 25 year working experience.

We are result-oriented. Nothing is better than an effective solution that works in all our areas. Our most loyal and fast working team helps to meet our deadlines.

Bowman Precision Engineering Hydraulic cylinders both low and high pressure hydraulic presses parts for the industrial industries Milling and turning and welding facilities hydraulic power packs Toilet Paper Converting Machines Core for a Toilet paper machine Quality workmanship Reliable service

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